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- Farming with Nature Showcase: Working with birds, bees and trees

Farming with Nature Showcase: Working with birds, bees and trees
Farming with Nature Showcase
Working with birds, bees and trees
Thursday 17 October, Rottal Estate, Glen Clova, Kirriemuir, Angus, 9.30am–4pm
Booking is required. Book online.
Join us for a day on the beautiful Rottal Estate in Angus to hear from some of Scotland’s foremost nature-friendly farmers, take part in practical group sessions and see the progress of landowner Dee Ward’s transformative work with nature.
Dee has joined with neighbouring estates and the River South Esk Partnership on a landscape-scale water management scheme, including the re-meandering of Rottal Burn. With Tilhill Forestry, almost 500 hectares of native trees (including 80 hectares on Rottal) are being planted to slow water run-off, already increasing numbers of Atlantic salmon and pearl mussels.
Read more about Dee Ward's work planting trees and remeandering
Dee has also restored peatland, used an AECS planting scheme to encourage birds and created wader habitats.
Hear from:
- Bruce McConachie of Culfoich Farm on grassland and wading birds
- Denise Walton of Peelham Farm on habitat restoration and pollinator corridors
- Charley Walker of Barnside Farm on regenerative grazing and biodiversity
- Dee Ward of the Rottal Estate on agroforestry and river management
Discuss: grass and regenerative grazing, pollinators, wading birds, farming with trees and water management.
Eat: a great lunch
Free of charge to farmers, land managers and foresters. Lunch is included.
Booking is required. Book online.
For more information call Jane on 0131 370 8150 or email.
WEBINAR: Trees and Streams
Wednesday 16 October, 6.30-7pm
Can't make it to our Farming with Nature Showcase?
We'll be broadcasting a Facebook live video webinar in conversation with Dee Ward of the Rottal Estate and Kelly Ann Dempsey of the River South Esk Partnership on working together along a river. You'll be able to post questions about remeandering, fisheries and tree planting or can get in touch beforehand with your questions. Email Clem on csandison@soilassociation.org
Join the event on Facebook.
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