- Soil Association
- Who we are
- Our supporters

Our supporters
Thank you so much for supporting the Soil Association.
You’ve done a brilliant thing.
Thanks to people like you, there are now solutions for a healthier, kinder world. The organic principles of ecology, health, fairness and care have been turned into a system of farming, food and forestry that exists without cruelty and environmental damage and that can nourish the world’s population.
Every year we receive charitable funds from supporters, corporate partners, Soil Circle members, major donors, trusts and foundations. The money you donate each year is making a tremendous difference in the world. Your gift supports campaigns and policy work that will influence the important debates.
The world is changing; people are waking up to the issues. Your support and that of others before you over the last 70 years is providing solutions to some of the biggest problems facing humanity and the planet.
Thank you.

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