Seasonal Solutions in Edinburgh Schools

Seasonal Solutions in Edinburgh Schools

Congratulations to the ten Catering Managers from City of Edinburgh Council schools who attended a Food for Life Scotland seasonality training workshop on 10th May!

The Bronze Food for Life Served Here award guarantees that Edinburgh’s primary school meals are always at least 75% freshly prepared from scratch, featuring Scottish and seasonal ingredients where possible. As staff cooked and ate together they discussed ideas to incorporate even more seasonal ingredients into school menus.

working in a kitchen

A delicious selection of UK-grown veg was supplied by George Andersons & Sons, including East Lothian rhubarb, Scottish carrots, and Scottish parsley. After a tasting session, cooks got stuck in to prepare a seasonal feast for lunch, working together on a series of dishes including:

  • Creamy seasonal smoked mackerel potato and sandwich filling
  • Seasonal 'slaw for jacket potatoes and sandwiches
  • Kale Crisps
  • Broccoli and cheese baked potato
  • Popeye cheese straws
  • Seasonal Couscous with Peas and Mint
  • Roasted new potatoes
  • Roasted carrot humous (nut free)
  • Wild Garlic Pesto

The session was held at Liberton High School – thanks to Catering Manager Lorna McKenna who graciously loaned her kitchen for the workshop.

Well done to all on an informative, inspiring, and enjoyable workshop!