- Soil Association
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- Soil Association Scotland Events
- Agroforestry in Scotland: Discussion groups

Agroforestry in Scotland: Discussion groups
Agroforestry in Scotland: Discussion groups
Thursday 18 March, 7–8.30 pm
Online meeting
There are many ways of integrating trees on your land. Having heard from crofters and farmers over the past weeks, now we would like to hear from you!
This peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and networking event is your chance to talk about different agroforestry topics with like-minded crofters, farmers, foresters, and land managers in Scotland. Bring your ideas, know-how and experience, as well as your questions and challenges.
The event will include two half-hour rounds of smaller group conversations on different topics, followed by sharing the top tips discussed in each group. The topics we have chosen are based on feedback from attendees at our last two events:
- Funding and grants
- Trees and livestock
- Designing your project
- Tree protection and management
- Trees on crofts
- Agroforestry products e.g. fruit, wood, fuel
We will be joined by the speakers from our previous two Agroforestry events alongside other farmers who are actively implementing agroforestry in Scotland. Iona Hyde from the Woodland Trust and Lyn White from Scottish Forestry will be available to discuss grants and funding.
FREE and open to crofters, farmers, land managers and foresters based in Scotland. Booking is required.
Book online
This event is only aimed at farmers in Scotland due to funding criteria, but if you live outside of Scotland and are interested in agroforestry, we invite you to register anyway so we can stay in touch about future events that have a wider reach.
For more information contact Ana on 0793 082 4983 (aallamand@soilassociation.org) or Jane on 0131 370 8150 (jdingwall@soilassociation.org)
Run by Soil Association Scotland with funding from the SRDP Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (Scottish Government/European Union), with partner funding from Scottish Forestry and Woodland Trust Scotland.
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