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- Mob Grazing Q&A: Outwintering to reduce inputs

Mob Grazing Q&A: Outwintering to reduce inputs
Mob Grazing Q&A
Outwintering to reduce inputs
Thursday 4 March, 7–8.30pm
Join us to hear from farmers who are outwintering livestock in Scotland on how they do it and why, including saving on housing and machinery costs and improving soil. Hear from:
- Andrew and Robert Brewster of Easter Denoon Farm, Angus, on bale grazing methods, breeding and infrastructure
- Johnnie Balfour of Balbirnie Home Farms, Fife, on integrating mob grazing in an arable system and grazing young stock on cover crops and silage over winter
- Lynn Cassells and Sandra Baer of Lynbreck Croft, Cairngorms, on grazing pigs and cattle in an agroforestry system, including bale grazing for pasture diversity and feeding tree hay
These farmers are also sharing short videos on their outwintering practices throughout February. You can find them on Twitter and Facebook under the hashtags #MobGrazingScot and #outwintering; and you’re welcome to join our Mob Grazing Scotland Facebook group.
FREE and open to all.
Book online
You can also learn more about mob grazing here: www.soilassociation.org/mobgrazing
Watch videos on outwintering, put together by farmers already practising mob grazing here.
You might also be interested in this Agroforestry event:
Agroforestry in Scotland: Discussion groups, Thursday 18 March, 7–8.30pm (Save the date)
Funding and grants, growing fruit, trees and livestock, planning and design, planting and protection, wood products, choosing species
For more information contact Clem on csandison@soilassociation.org or Jane on 0131 370 8150; jdingwall@soilassociation.org
Run by Soil Association Scotland with funding from the SRDP Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (Scottish Government/European Union).
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