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- Sheep and Trees Q&A: Small woodland creation on your farm

Sheep and Trees Q&A: Small woodland creation on your farm
Sheep and Trees Q&A
Small woodland creation on your farm
Tuesday 15 December, 7–8.15pm
Online event
The Sheep and Trees grant for small woodlands (up to 50 hectares) is unusual in that it can be used to fund infrastructure too. Sheep and beef farmer Andrew Whiteford used his to create a road leading to woodland on 3500-acre Burnfoot Farm in Dumfries and Galloway.
Join us with Andrew, woodland creation consultant Peter Atkinson, and Woodland Officer Andrew Kitching of Scottish Forestry, to discuss:
- Benefits of incorporating small woodlands onto your farm
- How to get started: planning and development
- Andrew’s experience and what he learned
- The funding process through the Sheep and Trees grant scheme
- How it could work on your farm.
Free of charge to farmers, land managers and foresters in Scotland.
Booking is required.
Book online
For more information contact Ana on 0793 082 4983 (aallamand@soilassociation.org) or Jane on 0131 370 8150 (jdingwall@soilassociation.org)
Run by Soil Association Scotland with funding from the SRDP Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (Scottish Government/European Union), with partner funding from Scottish Forestry, Scottish Water, RSPB Scotland, Innovative Farmers and The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation.