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- Tree planting on your farm: Getting the right tree in the right place for the right reasons

Tree planting on your farm: Getting the right tree in the right place for the right reasons
Tree planting on your farm
Getting the right tree in the right place for the right reasons
Webinar in two parts
Tuesday 23 June and 30 June, 7–8.30pm
Trees have many benefits for farm businesses as well as the environment. But how do you get started with planting on your farm?
Join us with agroforestry expert Niels Corfield to find out:
- Reasons for planting
- Different tree characteristics and uses
- Where to plant
- Understanding your soil before planting
- What management techniques you will need.
FREE to all in Scotland
Book online for 23 June
Book online for 30 June
For more information contact Ana on 0793 082 4983 (aallamand@soilassociation.org)
or Jane on 0131 370 8150 (jdingwall@soilassociation.org)
Run by Soil Association Scotland with funding from the SRDP Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (Scottish Government/European Union), with partner funding from Scottish Forestry, Scottish Water, RSPB Scotland, Innovative Farmers and The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation.