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Avian Influenza Update - April 2017

Avian Influenza Update - April 2017

The requirement to keep poultry in Higher Risk Areas of England housed or completely enclosed in netting is now lifted.

However, all keepers in England will continue to be required to comply with strict biosecurity measures to reduce the risk to their birds, including minimising movement in and out of bird enclosures, cleaning footwear, keeping areas where birds live clean and tidy, and feeding birds indoors. A ban on poultry gatherings also remains in force until further notice.

The risk of poultry becoming infected from H5N8 remains heightened and countries across Europe continue to experience outbreaks and observe cases in wild birds. Defra is stepping up surveillance of wild birds across the UK to inform their risk assessments.

Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have not required housing in Higher Risk Areas, as was the case in England; the existing restrictions already in place in these regions will remain in place until 30th April 2017.