
Joining the organic poultry suppliers list

Joining the organic poultry suppliers list

We're currently in the process of updating our organic poultry suppliers list. If you'd like to be included in this list, please get in touch with the details required below: 

  • Supplier details
  • Type of poultry available
  • Breed
  • Approximate quantities
  • Minimum order (if applicable)
  • Order by / notice period
  • When they are available
  • Delivery details
  • Contact details (website / email / contact number)
  • Any publications/price list you'd like to be linked

Please note: if you're applying for a DEFRA derogation to use non-organic poultry, you will need to provide justification as to why organic suppliers are not suitable, which organic suppliers you've contacted, and how far in advance you've contacted them.

Please also ensure you send us in any non-organic poultry derogation, with a minimum of 2 months’ notice, to give organic suppliers sufficient notice to supply the organic poultry, if they're in a position to do so.

Contact Hazel Dardis to submit your details - tel: 0117 314 5138