
Reduction in testing requirements for products imported from India

Reduction in testing requirements for products imported from India

This is reminder of new ethylene oxide (ETO) testing requirements introduced by Defra for all imports of organic food, feed and seed exported from India from 1st January 2022 until 30th June 2022.

We communicated this in certification news on 23rd December, (the day we received notification from Defra).  

Defra have now reduced the requirements for ETO testing of fresh produce stating that fresh produce is considered lower risk. The following is now required for fresh produce:

  • Every other consignment must be sampled;

  • The goods can be released before the test results have been received;

  • In the event that the test results indicate the presence of ethylene oxide above the MRL, the goods will be subject to an immediate recall.

Any detections of ETO will still need to be notified to us.

Please keep on file all test results including negative results for our inspectors to view.