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Update to Soil Association Standards for Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Update to Soil Association Standards for Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Soil Association Organic Standards for Great Britain, Organic Standards for Great Britain, the Soil Association Organic Standards for Northern Ireland, and the Organic Standards for Northern Ireland have been updated as part of the planned updates schedule for 2023.

These changes incorporate amendments that have been made to the EU Regulation as applied in Northern Ireland, Soil Association standards around the use of Oil Palm products and sourcing requirements, as well as small adjustments throughout the standards and guidance to clarify wording and correct any typing errors.

An overview of the main changes is given below but for the detail of the changes please use the relevant link to the Summary of Change documents

The confirmed names and version numbers of the new standards (and annex) documents are as follows:  

Standards for NI licensees

Standards for GB licensees


Summary of Change documents