
UK Government new Border Controls stakeholder feedback

UK Government new Border Controls stakeholder feedback

The UK government has announced a draft Border Target Operating Model, setting out a new approach to importing into GB to be introduced from end of October 2023.

It proposes new security, sanitary and phytosanitary controls. It sets out how controls will be simplified, digitised and delivered.

Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback before a final version is published in June.

The document contains a small section on organic goods stating that:

  • ‘There are currently legislative grace periods until end 2023 for certification requirements related to certain marketing standards and the Certificate of Inspection (CoIs) for organics from the EU, European Economic Area countries and Switzerland. In May we will confirm when the Certificate of Inspections for organic goods entering GB from the EU, European Economic Area and Switzerland will be required.’

If you wish to read the proposals and give feedback you can do so via this webpage.