17Pigs on Eastbrook Farm:Helen Browning-organic-licensee-permissionformsigned-noDOE.jpg

Northern Ireland: Extension of derogation to allow the use of non-organic protein feeds to pigs and poultry

Northern Ireland: Extension of derogation to allow the use of non-organic protein feeds to pigs and poultry

The Northern Ireland Competent Authority (NICA) have issued a further derogation to allow 5% non-organic protein feed for pigs and poultry of all ages.

This is normally only allowed for pigs below 35kgs and pullets, ands can only be used when there is no suitable organic alternative available. This extension, that was due to end on 23rd February 2024, is granted for a maximum of 12 months, from 24 February 2024 until 23 February 2025. 

If you need to use this derogation, you must keep documentary evidence of the use of the non-organic protein feed during this period for pigs and poultry.

If you have any queries about this, please contact your certification officer.