Changes to glue board use in England and Wales
In October 2023, the Welsh Government's Agriculture (Wales) Act 2023 came into effect.
This prohibits, under any circumstances, the use of glue boards as a method of killing or taking wild animals.
In England, the Glue Traps (Offences) Act 2022 also prohibits the use of glue boards, unless installed by a pest controller who has been issued a license by the Secretary of State “for the purpose of preserving public health or public safety”. The law in England will likely take effect mid-2024.
What do the Soil Association standards say about glue boards?
SA GB 5.13.3 Using rodent glue boards: Glue boards may only be used as a last resort. You must get approval from the Certification Team before using glue boards and follow the conditions laid out in the standards. We could only grant approval if permitted under national legislation.
Please contact your certification officer with any questions.