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A tribute to Peter Melchett

A tribute to Peter Melchett

Peter Melchett was Policy Director at the Soil Association for 18 years and was such an important, charismatic figure in the environment and organic movements throughout his lifetime. Alongside his Soil Association role, he ran his family’s 890-acre organic farm in Norfolk, with cattle, sheep and arable crops. He was an extraordinary man with incredible knowledge across a wide range of subjects, ranging from beef farming to sustainable cosmetics. He will be greatly missed by all his Soil Association colleagues. Read more about Peter.

We're also terribly saddened by the news of the death of Chris Parker, Managing Director of London & Scottish. Chris was a long-standing supporter of The Soil Association, as well as a pioneer in the industry. Trade Relations Manager, Lee Holdstock offered this tribute: 

“I had the pleasure of working with Chris over many years. His innovative approach, commitment to quality and enormous commercial experience, in particular around export within his category, gave him huge credibility within the organic sector and beyond. He will be very much missed.”

We will continue to work tirelessly on the causes close to Peter’s heart, with his intelligence and determination as our inspiration.