
Italy Bans Toxic Glyphosate

Italy Bans Toxic Glyphosate

Italys Ministry of Health have placed significant restrictions on toxic glyphosate, for pre-harvest and in many public areas.

This is great news for our Not In Our Bread campaign, which calls for a ban on the use of glyphosate, and glyphosate-based products, as a pre-harvest treatment in the UK. Glyphosate is getting into our bread, and into our bodies. This has to stop. As countries across Europe move to place restrictions on this potentially carcinogenic pesticide, the UK government must follow suit.

The Italian job

The Italian restrictions ban the use of glyphosate in areas frequented by the public or by "vulnerable groups" including children and the elderly. In addition, the pre-harvest use of glyphosate - a process known as desiccation - is banned. The desiccation of crops by spraying glyphosate is a primary source for residual pesticide contamination at the consumer level.

What does this mean for our campaign?

Using glyphosate, and glyphosate-based products, as a pre-harvest treatment is fundamentally wrong, and we are calling for an end to it. In July the European Commission announced that Member States had voted in favour of limiting the use of glyphosate, and that the decision for a ban was a matter for individual Member States. Italy adhered to this guidance, and their package of restrictions marks one of the widest bans on both consumer and agricultural use of the controversial pesticide.

Inspired to take action?

We encourage you to take action. Write to your MP, or donate to help scale up our campaign. And if you want to be certain there’s no glyphosate in your bread, look for our logo. By buying organic, you’ll be ensuring that the farmers who grow your food aren’t being exposed to this dangerous weed killer either.