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Rapid Increase In Pesticide Use And New Evidence Of Health Impacts Of Very Low Doses

Increased Pesticide Use And Our Health

Rapid increase in pesticide use and new evidence of health impacts of very low doses

LONDON, 20 November 2017 - New evidence suggests pesticide use has seen a massive increase in the UK over the last 40 years, with a potential impacts on human health, delegates at a Royal Society of Medicine conference have heard today [1]. This is in sharp contrast to the claim by the pesticide industry that use has halved [2].

Using data extracted for the first time from their records by FERA Science Ltd, who hold UK Government data on pesticide use in farming, the research has found that pesticide active ingredients applied to three British crops have increased between 6 and 18 times.  The data covered British staples wheat, potatoes and onions. Far from a 50% cut, increase in active ingredients applied to these crops range from 480% to 1,700% over the last 40-odd years.

As well as hearing this new evidence on increased pesticide use in the UK, the conference heard new scientific evidence from around the world showing that very low doses of pesticides, well below official ‘safety’ levels, pose a significant risk to public health from pesticides in our food supply. 

Unlike medicines, which are rigorously tested even after they gain clearance for use, there is no follow up once a pesticide has been approved, as recently pointed out by the Department of the Environment’s Chief Scientist [3]. It is well know that some toxic chemicals accumulate in the environment and in our bodies. Repeated doses, no matter how small, will build up over a lifetime. Pesticides are tested and approved individually, yet multiple active ingredients are applied to different crops, so people ingest them as mixtures and cocktails of chemicals and rarely as single chemicals. Recent scientific evidence suggests that cocktails can be more potent, and that taking a succession of pesticides may increase their potency. Other new evidence suggests that very low doses of some pesticides, well below official safety levels, may have an adverse impact on our genes,

Safety regulation of pesticide sprays looks at one ‘active ingredient’, but sprays consist of  a number of different chemicals designed, for example, to make the pesticide work better by sticking to plants or helping it run through the spray machine more easily. Yet these extra chemicals, known as adjuvants, may sometimes be as or even more toxic than the main ingredient.   Safety regulation of pesticides does not set safety levels for the cocktails people actually eat, nor does it consider the impact of people eating a succession of pesticides, and the possibility of very low doses having an adverse impact is also ignored.

To date, there has been little research into the impact of pesticides on human health and testing the ‘cocktail effect’ of a variety of chemicals is virtually impossible.

Professor Carlo Leifert, Director, Centre for Organics Research (Southern Cross University, Australia), who presented the research, said:  “Supermarkets recognise there is a problem with some pesticides. No farmer likes to spray, but if he is dependent on making money it is very difficult to give up that spray. That is the circular situation we get ourselves into because use of pesticides is embedded in the farming system.” 


Peter Melchett, Soil Association policy director, said: “It is frightening to learn just how many aspects of the pesticides we eat in our food are untested by pesticide safety regimes around the world, including in Europe. People eat food sprayed with increasingly complex mixtures of pesticides, and no safety testing is done on mixtures. In addition there is now overwhelming scientific evidence that tiny quantities of these sprays, well below levels considered by regulators to have ‘no observable effect’, do have both observable and negative impacts on human health.”

The conference heard of significant new science in this area, and experts who presented evidence included Dr Michael Antoniou (King’s College UK), Keith Tyrell (PAN UK), Prof Anne Marie Vinggard (Danish National Food Institute), Peter Melchett (Soil Association) and Dr Carlo Leifert (Director of Centre for Organics Research, Southern Cross University, Australia). The NFU and the Crop Protection Association also had an opportunity to react to the findings.



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Notes to editors:

[1] The Royal Society of Medicine conference Pesticides and food: is low dose exposure harmful? was organised by the RSM’s Epidemiology & Public Health Section and took place on Monday, 20 November 2017 at the Royal Society of Medicine.


[2] Use of pesticides by weight has nearly halved since 1990, but what is relevant to consumers and their food is the number of active ingredients applied to crops before they are harvested.


[3] Milner, A.M. and Boyd, I.L. Toward pesticidovigilance. (2017) Science, vol. 357, issue 6357, pp. 1232-1234.


The Soil Association was founded in 1946 by farmers, scientists, doctors and nutritionists to promote the connection between the health of the soil, food, animals, people and the environment. Today the Soil Association is the UK's leading membership charity campaigning for healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use. 


Soil Association Certification is a wholly owned subsidiary with an independent board, which certifies over 70% of all organic products sold in the UK. Certifying organic food and farming since 1973, and more recently, organic textiles, health and beauty products, the team has built up extensive practical experience and provides unrivalled support before, during and after certification. It also audits other schemes within catering and forestry, including Food for Life Served Here, and the FSC and PEFC forestry standards internationally, delivering assurances of quality and provenance that industry and consumers can trust. To find out more visit www.soilassociation.org


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The past 70 years of pesticide abuse have seen a catastrophic decline in our bees, bugs and wildlife. Despite steps forward like the Government’s agreement to support a ban on bee-killing neonicotinoids, more needs to be done to stop producers replacing banned pesticides with equally harmful chemicals. Join us and together we can put pressure on the Government to implement pesticide reduction targets and empower farmers to produce food without using pesticides. We must act urgently to break the pesticide cycle. If everyone who visits our website makes a small contribution today, we can fight even harder to make sure our fields, hedges and countryside are havens not hazards for wildlife.

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