Certificates of Inspection during COVID-19
The European Commission’s (EC) Organic Unit has already confirmed in this letter to certification bodies that, due to the disruption caused by COVID-19, it's possible for Certificates of Inspection (COI's) to be endorsed digitally by Port Health Authorities and First Consignees using the TRACES system.
This was originally intended to be in place until 31st May; however, the EC Organic Unit have confirmed the date will be extended until 30th September. If you import organic products into the EU /UK you must:
- Ensure the electronic copy is generated on the TRACES system
- Ensure it is endorsed by the certifier of the exporter in the third country
- Notify the consignment to the Port Health Authority where the consignment clears to enter the EU, so they can endorse the COI
- Ensure the First Consignee completes the COI