- Soil Association
- Certification
- Farming
- Organic certification resources for farmers and growers
- Preparing for your organic farm inspection

Preparing for your organic farm inspection
Everything you need for your inspection
Whether this is your first organic farm inspection with us, or you're already certified this page has everything you need to get ready for your farm inspection.
As a certified organic farmer or grower, you will be inspected every year to ensure your farm complies with organic standards. Your inspector will need to review certain information during your farm inspection. To help you prepare for this, we have provided useful documents, checklists and guidance.
Find the information you're looking for:
What to expect during your inspection
Watch these step-by-step videos to find out what happens on the day of your organic farm inspection.
1. What happens during your inspection
2. Completing your inspection
We have outlined the stages of the inspection process below:
*Requested timeframes for non-compliances:
- Critical: 14 days
- Major: 30 days
- Minor: the inspector will aim to approve your corrections on the day
Management plans
After we approve your application and receive the payment for the application fee, we look at your planned organic management system. You will be expected to produce a management plan when you apply and this should be kept up to date throughout your certification.
If it's your first inspection, a member of our certification team will conduct a welcome call with you to discuss your organic systems and how to meet the certification requirements. Before your call we will ask you to complete either a crop or livestock management plan.
Find the relevant management plans to download here:
View livestock management plans
Record keeping templates
During the inspection there are certain records, documents and processes that the inspector will need to see. To help you keep track of this, we have provided templates on the page below.
Derogations and permissions
You can find guidance for any derogations and permissions to your organic certification on the page below, including forms for seeds and vegetative propagating material or poultry.
View derogations and permissions forms
Inspection checklists
To help you prepare for your inspection, use our checklists for farmers and growers, on farm processers and abattoirs.
View the inspection checklists
Organic conversion guidance
If you are preparing for organic certification or planning to convert a new organic enterprise, our conversion guides can help you understand more about organic conversion and production. Find practical information about how to convert your farm, including crop and livestock management requirements and how to ensure you're meeting our organic standards below.
Organic land extension
You will need a land extension form if you are planning to add any new fields to your organic farm. The form needs to be submitted to the certification team in conjunction with field details (reference number, name, hectarage, crop, date of last prohibited input), a map and land rental agreement if required.
Download new land extension forms
On farm processor inspections
If you run a box scheme, farm shop, bottling facility or farm shop, this information should be relevant to you. You can find any specific forms or guidance you need for your on farm processor inspection, including product specification forms.
View the food and drink certification resources
After your inspection
Find everything you need to know about what happens after your inspection and the steps you may need to take. We have provided guidance on completing and returning the Action Summary Form. You can also find helpful resources to help you with any actions required after your inspection to ensure you are compliant with Soil Association organic standards.