Celebrating good food together
Stirling’s Albert Halls were filled with the sound of celebrations on Tuesday 29 September as schools and guests from around Scotland got together to share their experiences of Food for Life Scotland’s Education Framework.
Piloted in 23 Pathfinder schools across Scotland, the Framework has engaged with 3,200 children and 290 teachers. Its main aim is to transform their food culture by integrating good food knowledge and activity throughout the curriculum, enhancing the provision of good food in the dining hall, and taking good food messages out into the wider community. Soil Association Scotland is now working to develop it within more schools across Scotland.
This special event gave the pupils, teachers and catering staff who’ve been involved in the project the opportunity to share what Food for Life means to them. The presentations from 11 schools were truly inspiring, covering everything from potato growing to food miles to dining hall revamps with a bit of Gaelic singing thrown in for good measure.
After the sharing sessions we all sat down for a family-style lunch of veggie lasagne, salad and bread - with all ingredients organic and as local as possible. There were loads of fun activities for everyone to enjoy, from smoothie-making powered by bikes to grain milling, interactive art and a soil trail. A marketplace gave guests the chance to find out more about our partners and fellow food education providers.
Our special guest speakers had lots of lovely things to say about Food for Life:
Dr Alasdair Allan MSP, Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages:
“Food education is vital - thank you to all the Pathfinder schools. Be proud of what you have achieved."
Shirley Spear, Chair of the Scottish Food Commission:
“Building a good food nation is everyone’s business... The Soil Association's Food for Life school project is a huge success - thank you all. Together we can make real change.”
Frank Strang, Deputy Director, Food, Drink & Rural Communities:
“Today has been inspirational - I'll take so many ideas away. Well done to all involved in Food for Life.”
Huge thanks go to everyone who came along and shared their good food stories. Find out more at www.foodforlifescotland.org