- Soil Association
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- Pledge for our planet
- All Pledges
- Ask your child’s school or nursery to certify as Food for Life Served Here

Ask your child’s school or nursery to certify as Food For Life Served Here
Ask your child’s school or nursery to certify as Food for Life Served Here
Food for Life brings schools, nurseries, hospitals and care homes, and their surrounding communities together around the core ethos of healthy, tasty and sustainable food.
Our School Award supports schools to take a whole school approach that sees them:
Grow their own food
Organise trips to farms
Provide cooking and growing clubs for pupils and their families
Serve freshly prepared, well-sourced meals
Provide an attractive dining environment
Get in touch with your child’s school today and help bring good food to the table.
We pledge together
Small changes make a big difference
Ask your child’s school or nursery to certify as Food for Life Served Here
Latest pledges
Dr.Dinesh from Yavatmaljust made 21 pledges
Florine from Broxbournejust made 2 pledges
Suzy from Loanheadjust made 22 pledges
Related pledges
Make a difference to your local food system with our Sustainable Food Places programme
I want to make a bigger social change
How this helps:
- Takes a local approach to tackling the climate crisis
- Brings together community food champions, local government, businesses, and charities
- Makes food part of the solution
Organise a fundraiser for the Soil Association this year
I want to make a bigger social change
How this helps:
- Help support our work towards a safer, more sustainable food and farming future
- Engage with your local community
- Raise awareness of the importance of a greener future
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