Soil Association's Work and Impact Report 2021-22

We asked our colleagues to tell us about the stories that impacted them the most over the last eighteen months. We turned those stories into our latest impact report, which you can watch below, or read on for the highlights!

As an organisation, we are 76 years old. The time for change is now.

Farming, Forestry and Land-Use Transition

This year, the Soil Association has continued to connect with farmers, policymakers, citizens, and organisations to support the development and success of sustainable farming and land use practices.

Although the pandemic and the complexities of Brexit have continued to impact farmers, foresters, and businesses, we have still been working to make progress, and sort short term challenges to balance the needs of our climate, nature and health.

Healthy and Sustainable Diets

We have made good progress in kitchens and communities this year, and remain dedicated to facilitating access to good food for all. We are seeing continued interest in programmes such as Food for Life that make healthy and sustainable food the easy choice.

This has been aided by Henry Dimbleby’s National Food Strategy and Hospital Food Review recommendations.

Joining Forces for Positive Change

Over the last year, we have witnessed a rapidly increasing appetite for learning about accessible solutions to the climate, nature and health crises.

We do this by joining together diverse voices to support the development of sector-wide solutions that consider and include everyone.

Our key Farming, Forestry and Land-use figures from 2021-22

Five on-farm Learning Networks sessions, engaging farmers on the topic of agroecological practices

Over 25 demonstration farms implementing FAB (Functional AgroBiodiversity) practices

Sharing updates every month through Organic Farming News to our network of over 6000 people

Helping to answer 40-50 daily enquiries in support of producers



Our key Healthy and Sustainable Diets figures from 2021-22

82 million Food for Life Served Here meals served daily

22 (18 with awards) Learning Authorities in Scotland engaged with Food for Life Served Here programme

832 Schools and Early Years settings participating in Food for Life Awards

68 Sustainable Food Places members

Our key Joining Forces for Positive Change figures for 2021-22

Over 8000 people taking out pledges under our Pledge for our Planet scheme

Over 1 million sessions on our website, with over 760,000 users in the last financial year

Over 1500 climate action packs handed out to crowds in Glasgow and Bristol and another 10,000 mailed to members and supporters

We’re increasing collaboration with other organisations working to tackle climate, nature, and health crises

Refreshing our brand approach to ensure we make it as simple as possible to understand the many ways we work to achieve a better future as nature’s ally

Increasing our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion activities so that we can create as many opportunities as possible