Herbal leys
Nature’s salad bar
Herbal leys are a mixture of grasses, legumes and herbs, nutritionally varied, palatable, higher in protein, often with medicinal properties.

Herbal Leys How To Guide
The basics and benefits, species selection, planning, timescales, the financials and next steps
>> How To Guide
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Benefits of herbal leys
The variety of root systems provide protection from drought and flooding, build soil fertility, capture carbon, and attract pollinating insects and other wildlife.
While initial costs of seed may seem high, the longer term benefits are offset, especially as the cost of chemical fertilizer and nitrogen increase.

Birdsfoot trefoil

Find out more
- Read this useful overview from Gov.uk
- Trusted seed supplier, Cotswold Seeds, have lots of useful information on species choices
- Useful advice about establishing herbal leys from AHDB
Fabulous Farmers
Herbal leys is one of our FABulous Farmer key measures. Find out more about FAB (Functional AgriBiodiversity) and how to get involved.
Learnings from New Zealand – diverse forages and dynamic grazing management
Herbal Leys Virtual Field Day part 1 – Establishment and Management
Herbal Leys Virtual Field Day part 2 – Soil Health, Grazing and Ensiling
Download Herbal Leys How To Guide
With information on the basics and benefits, species selection, planning, timescales, the financials and where to go for more information