- Soil Association
- Certification
- Farming
- What is input certification?

What is input certification?
What is input certification?
There are two levels of Soil Association input certification available: the approved inputs scheme and the verified inputs scheme. These schemes make sure that an input, such as fertiliser or compost, complies with the Soil Association standards and organic regulations. They allow farmers and growers to confidently choose the right inputs.
Find out more about approved and verified inputs below and how to get your product certified.
All products are listed in the inputs directory.
Approved or verified?
- Approved inputs can be used by farmers and growers certified to the Soil Association standards. Manufacturers of these products are inspected annually. Products must meet the requirements of the Soil Association Approved Inputs Standards. Approved inputs are listed in our Inputs Directory.
Products under the approved inputs scheme can display the Soil Association Approved symbol on their packaging.
The scope of this scheme includes:
• fertility inputs, including substrates that are used in the production of plants, seaweed, microalgae and mushrooms
• livestock feeds and supplements that are not within the scope of the organic regulations
• silage additives
• microorganisms (compost activators and soil nutrient availability enhancers) - Verified inputs are confirmed as suitable to use in organic systems. The composition of a product is tested against the Soil Association standards. If the product is acceptable for use in an organic system, it is listed on the Soil Association website. As well as the scope of products under the approved inputs scheme, plant protection products are also included.
Get your product certified
If you have a product that you would like to approve or verify under these schemes, please contact the team on 0117 914 2412 or at inputs@soilassociation.org