- Soil Association
- Certification
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- Resources for certificate holders

Resources for certificate holders
Resources for certificate holders – trademark use, FSC® core labour requirements and useful links
Trademark approvals
Certificate holders can now use our trademark portal to submit and manage trademark approval requests.
- Submit new approvals online
- Respond to amends
- Keep a history of all requests
- Use as your trademark records area for auditing purposes
Trademark guidance
For guidance on using the FSC and PEFC trademarks, the document below can be used in conjunction with FSC and PEFC Trademark Standards.
- FSC and PEFC Trademark Use Checklist
- Guidance for FSC Trademark Use Management System (TUMS)
- FSC Certificate Holders Portal: Go here to generate FSC labels and access the Resource Centre
- FSC Marketing Toolkit

Useful links
- FSC changes to their AAF Policy (Annual Administration Fee)
- FSC Core Labour requirements: Further information can be found in this Q&A document
- FSC Core Labour requirements (ILO) Self Assessment template
- FSC Core Labour requirements - Outsourcer Assessment report template
- FSC Pesticides Policy: Information and link to FSC Pesticides Alternatives Database
- FSC Document Centre: All FSC documents
Material Accounting Record examples
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Auditor and associate resources