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- Product Composition Checklist
Product Composition Checklist
Composition checklist
The composition checklist has been designed as a guide to help you check that your products are compliant with the key requirements of the Soil Association standards for food and drink. If you have any specific composition questions, or are unable to confirm any of the requirements then please contact your certification officer by email, or their direct line number or call the office on 0117 914 2411. The full standards regarding composition can be found here.
Does your new product consist of a minimum 95% organic ingredients? (1 of 4)
The composition checklist has been designed as a guide to help you check that your products are compliant with the key requirements of the Soil Association standards for food and drink. If you have any specific composition questions, or are unable to confirm any of the requirements then please contact your certification officer by email, or their direct line number or call the office on 0117 914 2411. The full standards regarding composition can be found here.
Including in your calculation:
- agricultural ingredients, either organic or non-organic
- additives marked with an * in standard 6.4.2
- yeast or yeast extract
- Do not include water, salt, processing aids or additives not marked with an * in standards 6.4, 6.5, 6.6
You can check your product's composition using this spreadsheet
Additives, Processing Aids and Natural Flavourings (2 of 4)
The use of SOME additives and processing aids is permitted when used for specific functions.
- Full information on permitted additives and their specific uses can be found in standard 6.4.2
- Full information on permitted processing aids and their specific uses can be found in standard 6.5.1
WARNING: If you use an additive or processing aid that is not on these lists, or you are using it to perform a function that it is not specified, your product will lose organic status and you may be required to recall product. If you are unsure, please contact your certification officer.
- Natural flavourings are permitted as long as they meet our specific requirements in standards 6.6.4 & 6.6.5. They do not need to be included in the % calculation of organic ingredients.
Is your product wine? If so, please contact your certification officer.
Non-organic ingredients (3 of 4)
The EU recognises that some ingredients may not be available in organic form, these are listed in
standard 6.6.1.
If you have trouble obtaining other ingredients in organic form, then you may apply to Defra for a derogation (please see standard 6.7.1). Contact us first as we may be able to help find them for you.
- If you are unsure whether your new product meets these requirements, then please contact your certification officer.
Suppliers (4 of 4)
Anyone who prepares, stores and places organic products on the market (including wholesalers) must be licensed by a recognised certification body and hold a valid organic certificate. Companies that sell finished packed product to the end consumer are exempt e.g. retailers.
You will need to verify that that your suppliers hold organic certification by checking that an in date certificate is available, which covers the type of product they are selling to you. A supplier must not be used if they are unable to provide the evidence that their own operation is certified organic (note exemption for retailers.)
Your supplier is the company that invoices you for the goods.
Thank you for completing our composition checklist.
Need help with the check list?
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