- Soil Association
- Certification
- Forestry
- Forest management (FM)
- Forest Management (FM)

How to apply for Forest Management FSC and PEFC certification
Forest Management certification
Certifying with Soil Association Certification ensures a quick and efficient process, with our expert colleagues on hand every step of the way.
We have outlined the step-by-step application process below but please get in touch with our expert certification team if you have any questions using the details below, we're here to help.
1. How the certification process works
1. Pre-application
To begin the certification process, contact our expert team using the form or telephone number below.
Following an initial conversation, we will take you through our application form, after which we can provide an estimated timeline for certification and prepare a quote.
2. Submit your application
Once you decide to go ahead with us you’ll be introduced to your Certification Officer (CO), your guide and contact from application through to certification.
We'll then send you our contract, schedule and the FSC Trademark Licence Agreement (TLA) for you to sign and return. For PEFC applicants, the PEFC National Governing Body (NGB) will issue a logo-use license directly to you.
3. Stakeholder engagement
Effective engagement with stakeholders is an integral aspect of FSC and PEFC FM certification, therefore consultation with identified stakeholders such as local communities, environmental groups, government and scientific researchers will take place before the certification audit occurs.
4. Site visit
You can discuss with your CO whether a pre-assessment site visit would be useful, and how to go about arranging it. The pre-assessment report will provide recommendations for improvements prior to your certification assessment.
During the certification assessment audit, a multidisciplinary team of auditors will assess for compliance with the relevant certification standards and produce a report incorporating issues raised during the consultation with stakeholders.
5. Certificate decision
After internal and peer reviews of the certification report, a certification decision will be made.
Subject to satisfactory compliance with the relevant standard(s), a five-year certificate will be issued subject to annual surveillance audits.
6. Surveillance audits
During the five-year certification period we will carry out four Surveillance audits and a Reassessment audit, prior to the expiry of the certificate, to ensure continuous certification.
2. Resources
- Standards
Our generic standards adapted for different environments and situations around the world. - Stakeholder consultations
How stakeholders are consulted with during the certification process - Forest Management audit reports
All of our FM audit reports are made publicly available once a certificate has been granted. - Contracts
Containing information on the rights and duties of applicants or certificate holders
- UKWAS website
- Soil Association UK Forest Management certification procedures
- Soil Association UK group forest certification procedures
- Standards
3. Appeals and complaints procedure
If you have a complaint about our decision or service, we have a procedure you can follow. If we can’t resolve it directly with you, you can lodge a formal complaint with ASI or PEFC, as appropriate. We’ll give you those details in our application pack. View our Appeal and Complaints Resolution Procedure.
Contact form
Please fill in the form below, and one of our team members will contact you. Alternatively, you can find the right person here or call +44 (0) 117 914 2435.