
New Partnership with Acoura

New Partnership with Acoura

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Acoura to enable us to continue to offer you a combined organic and RTA inspection. Acoura are a British owned company based in the UK, with offices in Edinburgh and Stevenage and have been providing British farmers farm assurance inspections since 1996.

If your RTA certificate is due to expire shortly you will already have received a letter from us explaining how the transfer process works.  If your Red Tractor certificate expires later this year we will be in touch as the expiry date approaches to confirm the transfer process. 

When your certificate expires we will assume unless you inform us otherwise that you would like to continue to have a combined audit with us and that your new certification body for Red Tractor certification will be Acoura.

We are really pleased to be working with Acoura and hope that you will see the many benefits of this partnership.

If you have any questions please call us on 0117 914 2412 or email prod.cert@soilassociation.org